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In the News (September, 2024)


    September 4, 2024

    On a personal level, automation can help eliminate boring, tedious tasks and leave more time and mental energy for meaningful projects. ChatGPT is a great resource for incorporating the latest automation tools into your daily processes. Here are nine ChatGPT prompts to get you started.

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    September 3, 2024

    Leaders with inflated egos can cause irreparable harm to workers and companies. Less willing to entertain contradictory ideas, they stifle innovation and make poorer-quality decisions. Because their egos crave positive attention, they’re susceptible to manipulation. What’s worse, the traits of egocentric leaders often trickle down through an organization, potentially undermining its very fabric. That’s why it’s key for leaders to practice leaving their egos at the door. Here are five strategies for releasing your sense of self-importance and leading with less ego.

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    September 3, 2024

    Founders often don’t like to think of themselves as “owners.” Cars have owners, to return to the example above. Small corner stores have owners. Pets have owners. The term “owner” can feel minimized, too inconsequential for what a founder wants to achieve. And yet, the concept of ownership is key to our sense of satisfaction and wellbeing. Here’s why.

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