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In the News (May, 2024)


    May 29, 2024

    I’m a proponent of automating your busywork and my team regularly uses ChatGPT to help us brainstorm our next big idea. It doesn’t do the work for us, but it offers additional possibilities to consider. If you’re looking for a profitable startup idea, here are some ChatGPT prompts to get the wheels turning.

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    May 23, 2024

    If you’re using a “wait and see” approach to integrating AI into your company, you’re doing your team a disservice. Here are some simple ways to get your team to capitalize on today’s latest AI tools.

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    May 22, 2024

    Self-reflection is important. Self-awareness is an important trait in a leader. But rumination — which the APA defines as obsessional thinking involving excessive, repetitive thoughts or themes that interfere with other forms of mental activity — doesn't serve you as an individual or your organization, as its leader. Entrepreneurs are often obsessed with their businesses down to the last detail, and perfectionists are more likely to ruminate. If you're caught in negative thinking patterns, here are some strategies to help break the cycle.

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    May 21, 2024

    Bootstrapping affords you a crash course in growing a business. Receiving VC funding, on the other hand, is like starting a computer game from level three before learning how to complete levels one and two. Slow growth is smart growth.

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    May 15, 2024

    Teamwork can have a multiplier effect, cross-pollinating team members’ skills and knowledge. But before you begin corralling employees into distinct units, remember that collaboration can come at a cost. Teams don’t always work out, according to J. Richard Hackman, the late Harvard organizational psychology professor and leading expert on teams. Hackman’s research demonstrated the surprising ways that teamwork can hurt productivity. That said, certain strategies have been shown to improve the efficacy of teams. Here are some tips for strategically creating teams that boost organizational productivity and innovation—rather than chip away at it.

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    May 14, 2024

    Spending quality time alone is crucial for deep work, but you have to know how to manage your mind. Here's how to do it.

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    May 8, 2024

    Some leaders fear that employees are unwilling to return to the office. Others cite productivity bumps of WFH. Others point to eliminated costs of rent and office equipment. But those reasons may be shortsighted. If you’re focused on sustainable, long-term growth, there are strong arguments for returning to the office.

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