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In the News (August, 2024)


    August 30, 2024

    With Gen Zers expected to surpass boomers in the full-time workplace this year, business leaders can’t afford to ignore their unique challenges and strengths. Understanding and addressing the newest generation of employees will not only help companies attract and retain Gen Z talent but also boost productivity across the board. At Jotform, which I founded in 2006, digital tools form an important part of our strategy for bridging generational gaps. Here’s a closer look at how.

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    August 29, 2024

    Hiring is an intensely personal process. That’s why I think AI is so well-suited to make it easier. Sound counterintuitive? Read on.

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    August 27, 2024

    That “wait and see” model may have been prudent for a social media platform, but AI is not that. Like the internet before it, AI is completely transforming how work is done. With the AI market predicted to reach a value of more than $500 billion in 2024, leaders who are not actively integrating its services into their businesses are at serious risk of falling behind. If you’re holding out for a new development or ideal moment to get started, consider Google, which by 2015 already had more than 2,700 AI projects underway. There’s no reason to wait until technology advances further before making the leap.

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    August 23, 2024

    At Jotform, we’ve integrated AI into processes throughout every business function. It has transformed our team dynamics, improving communication and boosting productivity on tasks that matter. Here’s a closer look at how.

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    August 22, 2024

    81% of those who have integrated AI tools to automate certain tasks report increased productivity. So why the disconnect? Aytekin Tank, CEO and founder of Jotform, attributes this slow adoption of AI to leaders taking a cautious “wait and see” approach. He explains that AI is revolutionizing work processes across all demographics and requires a fundamental shift in thinking about daily tasks. "Unsure of the extent to which AI will transform the workplace, some leaders are hesitant to shift their approach toward AI," he says.

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    August 22, 2024

    Successful CEOs don’t develop overnight. But founders who make the transition can use many of the same skills that they used to build their companies to eventually lead them. Here’s why building a business is actually a masterclass in leadership.

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    August 20, 2024

    At Jotform, we aim to cultivate a collaborative culture for all employees, including the youngest hires, by understanding and respecting their values and leveraging their strengths. It’s helped us to attract and retain Gen Z talent, and keep them engaged. Compared to other generations, young millennials and Gen Z employees have experienced the biggest drop in engagement since the pandemic, according to a recent Gallup survey. Understanding young employees should be a top priority for leaders.

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    August 20, 2024

    While Sisyphus had no assistance to lighten the burden, we do: AI tools. They can’t push boulders (yet) or conjure up more hours in the day, but they can transform your approach to work by helping you manage your time more effectively and automate tasks that don’t require your full attention. They can change how you view your to-do list, from a source of stress to a strategic guide. Here are five ChatGPT prompts to help you master time management and conquer your workload once and for all.

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    August 14, 2024

    Tank adds: "Employees will need to build some slack into their schedules. But once employees set their automation machines in motion, automating more and more of their daily tasks, they'll recapture time for more meaningful tasks. And as I've seen with our employees at Jotform, when employees aren't drowning in busywork, they have more time and mental space for creative work."

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    August 13, 2024

    It doesn’t make for a catchy headline, but a side hustle is a reliable path to entrepreneurship—it’s the chosen route for about one in three Americans, according to a recent survey. It worked for me, too. Bootstrapping with a paycheck is not only less risky, it can also result in a stronger, more sustainable business. What’s more, nowadays, AI tools like ChatGPT make it easier and more cost effective than ever.

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    August 12, 2024

    As a business owner, I’m mindful that this time of year can be acutely stressful for employees. Here are some strategies we use to help employees avoid burnout throughout the dog days of summer.

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    August 7, 2024

    Carving out a good life using the traditional path is getting harder. Here's why being your own boss is the key to satisfaction.

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    August 6, 2024

    The concept of a “second brain”—a repository for all the information our primary brains lack the ability to hold—has been around for some time. Now, AI is revolutionizing the way we build these second, auxiliary brains. Here’s how it works.

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    August 6, 2024

    One of the biggest barriers to the widespread adoption of AI is leaders taking a “wait and see” approach, says Aytekin Tank, CEO and founder of Jotform, an online form builder.

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    August 2, 2024

    I am by no means saying that bootstrapping is easy. And many entrepreneurs are not in a financial position to use their own funds to start a business. But if you’re wondering whether to toss your hat in the startup ring, despite the state of VC funding, here are three reasons why bootstrapping can be an asset, not a liability, for your business.

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