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For many years and counting, I have been featured by multiple reputable media outlets. Read all the news about me and my book Automate Your Busywork here.

In the News


    July 23, 2024

    The AI takeover seems mostly unfounded. According to the World Economic Forum’s latest Future of Jobs Report, 50% of organizations expect AI to drive job growth. That said, the most competitive professionals in the future will be those who possess uniquely human skills that AI cannot replicate. Here are some of those skills and how they can be applied.

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    July 22, 2024

    AI’s impact is already massive, rapidly transforming the workplace. But we’re still at the early stages, trying to strike a balance between harnessing AI without leaning too much on it and compromising quality. At my company Jotform, we have incorporated AI tools to automate tedious tasks, or as I call it, “busywork,” and free up employees to focus on the meaningful work that only humans can do.

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    July 19, 2024

    Being an introvert ultimately helped me grow my company. People may gravitate towards extroverts and view them as more charismatic, but true leadership depends on qualities like empathy and strong communication skills—traits that are more valuable than ever in the age of AI. The old dictator style of leadership is obsolete. Here’s a closer look at the qualities today’s leaders need.

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    July 18, 2024

    In the U.S., professionals already spend an average of two to three hours per day checking their work emails. To prevent emails from stealing more of your time, let ChatGPT do some of the heavy lifting.

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    July 10, 2024

    Leaders are responsible for establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life. In my experience as CEO and founder of Jotform, I'm convinced that maintaining a work-life balance and knowing when to step back can help you do your job better — and make your company even stronger. Here's why.

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    July 9, 2024

    It’s important to maintain a boundary between workspaces and living spaces, which becomes challenging when people are working from home. For this reason and others, I advocate for a full return to the office.

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    July 9, 2024

    If you’re launching a business or revamping your existing strategy, ChatGPT can be a valuable (and low-cost) tool in your arsenal. Here are some prompts to get started today.

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    July 2, 2024

    Just because many businesses fail doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try—especially if you have a great idea. What’s more, AI tools like ChatGPT are making it easier and less expensive than ever to start a business—even if you want to kick things off as a side hustle, as I did with my company nearly two decades ago. Had ChatGPT been around then, I probably would have quit my day job sooner. If you’re considering launching a startup, here are seven ChatGPT prompts to help you each step of the way.

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    June 25, 2024

    While ChatGPT can be an impressive imitator, it can never generate your unique voice and perspective. It can, however, be a powerful tool for improving your writing, whether you’re penning business articles or important emails. It all starts with the right prompts. Here are seven that you can use to level up your writing skills.

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    June 21, 2024

    I founded my company Jotform over 18 years ago. With no outside funding, it’s been a slow climb at times, but today, we have over 25 million users worldwide. I learned a lot about bootstrapping and how it creates the right mix of pressure, thrift, and creativity for developing great, profitable products. Here’s a closer look at why VC funding can cause startups to make bad products.

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    June 20, 2024

    Jotform CEO Aytekin Tank outlines a strategy for balancing collaboration with healthy competition.

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    June 20, 2024

    Discover the most effective (and cheapest) way for founders to learn team management, efficient decision-making and other essential leadership skills.

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    June 18, 2024

    For entrepreneurs, success is often defined by certain well-worn metrics—funding rounds, revenue growth, ROIs, IPOs, etc. But as a founder, I can promise you that fulfillment doesn’t happen by hitting some magic number or target. Here’s how to think about it instead.

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    June 13, 2024

    If you’ve ever studied a second language, you’ll probably agree: the more you learn, the more you realize there is to learn. The process can be frustrating, like a spool of thread rolling out before you. But even if the road seems endless sometimes, it’s rewarding. The more language skills you acquire—vocabulary, grammar, slang—the richer the communication becomes. Learning to communicate with LLMs like ChatGPT is no different.

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    June 12, 2024

    The startup norm of "move fast and break things" is short-sighted. Here is why being patient will serve your business in the long run.

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    June 12, 2024

    In many ways, founding a company requires a different skill set than running it as a CEO. As your business grows, it’s important to do an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, and figure out two things: How you want to spend your time, and how you can be most beneficial to the company.

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    June 7, 2024

    As CEO of my company, I understand that with no strategy in place, transparency can interfere with our goals, causing more damage than good. Here are three tips for finding balance and practicing candor with your team.

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    June 6, 2024

    Seeing introversion as a career hurdle is more of a self-fulfilling prophecy than reality. Being an introvert can be as great of an asset as being an extrovert. It comes down to taking a page from the Delphic oracle—“knowing thyself”—and understanding how to maximize your efficacy using your unique strengths.

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    June 4, 2024

    I’ve always been a proponent of slow, deliberate growth. As the bootstrapped solo founder of Jotform, it comes with the territory. But between the growing power of online tools, including AI, and the increasing prevalence of contractors, there’s less reason than ever for entrepreneurs to take on a co-founder or rush into hiring. In fact, I’d argue that there’s never been a better time to be a solo founder. Here are some ways “invisible teams” are changing the way we work.

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    May 29, 2024

    I’m a proponent of automating your busywork and my team regularly uses ChatGPT to help us brainstorm our next big idea. It doesn’t do the work for us, but it offers additional possibilities to consider. If you’re looking for a profitable startup idea, here are some ChatGPT prompts to get the wheels turning.

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    May 23, 2024

    If you’re using a “wait and see” approach to integrating AI into your company, you’re doing your team a disservice. Here are some simple ways to get your team to capitalize on today’s latest AI tools.

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    May 22, 2024

    Self-reflection is important. Self-awareness is an important trait in a leader. But rumination — which the APA defines as obsessional thinking involving excessive, repetitive thoughts or themes that interfere with other forms of mental activity — doesn't serve you as an individual or your organization, as its leader. Entrepreneurs are often obsessed with their businesses down to the last detail, and perfectionists are more likely to ruminate. If you're caught in negative thinking patterns, here are some strategies to help break the cycle.

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    May 21, 2024

    Bootstrapping affords you a crash course in growing a business. Receiving VC funding, on the other hand, is like starting a computer game from level three before learning how to complete levels one and two. Slow growth is smart growth.

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    May 15, 2024

    Teamwork can have a multiplier effect, cross-pollinating team members’ skills and knowledge. But before you begin corralling employees into distinct units, remember that collaboration can come at a cost. Teams don’t always work out, according to J. Richard Hackman, the late Harvard organizational psychology professor and leading expert on teams. Hackman’s research demonstrated the surprising ways that teamwork can hurt productivity. That said, certain strategies have been shown to improve the efficacy of teams. Here are some tips for strategically creating teams that boost organizational productivity and innovation—rather than chip away at it.

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    May 14, 2024

    Spending quality time alone is crucial for deep work, but you have to know how to manage your mind. Here's how to do it.

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    May 8, 2024

    Some leaders fear that employees are unwilling to return to the office. Others cite productivity bumps of WFH. Others point to eliminated costs of rent and office equipment. But those reasons may be shortsighted. If you’re focused on sustainable, long-term growth, there are strong arguments for returning to the office.

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    May 1, 2024

    Three out of four workers say they have experienced shift shock. Here are some strategies to help prevent it.

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    April 30, 2024

    I want to posit something here: Failure doesn’t exist. Setbacks? Absolutely. But total, irrevocable failure? Not a thing. Allow me to explain.

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    April 22, 2024

    New research and company practices challenge the following productivity myths, showing the complexity and nuance behind long working hours and well-being.

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    April 16, 2024

    Here are some simple strategies to stop ruminating and start living—thinking, engaging, and creating—in the present.

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    April 12, 2024

    Honing and trusting one's intuition can lead to quicker, more effective decision-making. Here's how to harness the power of listening to your gut to make the best choices.

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    April 9, 2024

    When we think about great leaders, we often imagine individuals who gravitate toward the spotlight. But as it turns out, some of the best leaders dedicate themselves to helping others shine.

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    April 8, 2024

    If adulthood and work routines tend to dampen curiosity, games can help to restore it. Here, the benefits of incorporating some play into the office, and some strategies that have worked for me and my team at Jotform.

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    April 5, 2024

    The utility of ChatGPT begins with the prompt, which has become a craft itself. For founders, the right prompt can empower AI to handle more tedious tasks and free them to focus on more meaningful tasks, ultimately boosting the type of productivity that matters.

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    March 27, 2024

    Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform, discusses how in order to engage and motivate employees, leaders need to adapt to Gen Z.

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    March 26, 2024

    Wellness has entered the workplace. The pandemic was a catalyst for reconsidering how organizations fare in terms of supporting their employees’ mental health. At the same time, the dialogue surrounding wellbeing at work often focuses on what individuals can do to make sure they’re in a good headspace...

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    March 18, 2024

    Why Today’s Employees Crave More Authentic Leadership

    For leaders, being authentic is even more crucial than being charismatic. Not only that—if you are a leader, showing your true self might even boost your personal wellbeing.

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    March 6, 2024

    Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform, shares three tricks that can help you work more efficiently.

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    February 28, 2024

    Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform, explains how leaders can use specific strategies to encourage employees to explore and take risks.

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    February 8, 2024

    Small interruptions have an outsized impact on productivity and creativity, often measured in hours each work day.

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    February 7, 2024

    Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform explains how to keep your team motivated—without burning anyone out.

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    February 1, 2024

    Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform, argues that when it comes to employee development, entrepreneurs can’t afford to ignore soft skills.

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    January 25, 2024

    How I adapted my company to AI: 5 key insights

    Jotform CEO Aytekin Tank explains how he successfully embraced and deployed AI.

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    January 3, 2024

    Time is short. Here are the creative benefits of becoming an obsessive planner.

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    December 21, 2023

    3 simple strategies to improve morale—and motivation—during the holiday season

    A CEO argues that even though the holidays are around the corner, finishing critical projects and spending quality time with the family should not be mutually exclusive.

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    December 13, 2023

    Silent Retreats Are Expensive — But Effective. Here's How to Recreate the Benefits of One From Anywhere.

    Even if you don't have the time or budget to set off on a physical journey of self-discovery, there are proven strategies for cultivating mental quiet…wherever you are.

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    November 27, 2023

    Turn Your Work Stress Into Creative Fuel Using These 3 Expert-Backed Tips

    Workplace stress isn't just a hindrance. It's also a source of energy you can transform into creative fuel.

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    November 17, 2023

    Is Your Relentless Pursuit of Efficiency Actually Hurting Your Business? Here's How to Tell When You're Taking Productivity Too Far.

    A fanatical eye to the leanest and most productive systems can sometimes have diminishing returns.

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    November 15, 2023

    Malcolm Gladwell Says It Takes 10,000 Hours to Master a Skill — But That's Wrong. Here's How to Quickly Learn Something New.

    Breaking the mold of the 10,000-hour rule: Explore innovative strategies on how to rapidly learn new skills.

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    October 24, 2023

    Why leaders should be responsible for creating fulfilling jobs

    Unlocking the true potential of organizations: Discover why leaders must take responsibility for crafting fulfilling jobs in this insightful exploration

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    October 19, 2023

    The Science-Backed Case for Embracing Boredom in the Workplace

    Research shows that for entrepreneurs, a dash of ennui can actually be an asset. Here's how to turn boredom into an engine for creativity.

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    July 29, 2023

    Interview with Aytekin Tank, author of Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff recommends some of the best smart thinking books.

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    June 28, 2023

    Automating busywork in the office

    Jotform CEO urges you to automate your work to become faster and more efficient.

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    June 16, 2023

    Reclaim Your Time with UB Alumni Aytekin Tank’s New Book, Automate Your Busywork

    Now over 17 years old and home to more than 500 employees, it’s needless to say that Aytekin’s ingenuity and perseverance have secured Jotform’s success. For Aytekin, the bumps in the road have merely been part of a greater journey. “In many ways, I’m grateful to have had challenges like this. It’s what ultimately led to us building a better company.”

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    June 6, 2023

    How AI-Powered Virtual Assistants Can Automate Repetitive Tasks and Free up Mental Energy

    Virtual assistants are the automation tool you never knew you always needed.

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    June 5, 2023

    3 Mundane Tasks You Should Automate to Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff

    As CEO of Jotform, I take the same approach to my daily work. Rather than toil for more hours at half-capacity, I'd rather shine bright and shut down early. But this wasn't always the case.

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    June 5, 2023

    How Hyper-Automation Technology Is Democratizing Innovation

    When it comes to innovation, our modern-day hustle culture tracks the traditional version of the fable. Great innovators are tireless toilers. More is more. But after 17 years of running my company, I'm convinced that what distinguishes great innovators is not a matter of quantity, but rather, the quality of the work they do and their commitment to giving their brain a rest.

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    June 5, 2023

    3 Mundane Tasks You Should Automate to Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff

    Automation is one way to cut through the noise: daily check-ins, circle-backs, status updates, etc. — and leave mental space for the big stuff.

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    June 2, 2023

    5 Expert-Backed Strategies for Setting Boundaries at Work

    More than 16 years ago, I was that same young entrepreneur, embarking on this massive dream to start my own company, Jotform. I was eager to learn but also very lax when it came to setting limits both personally and professionally.

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    June 1, 2023

    Episode 301: Horror Con, Aytekin Tank

    Welcome to the first episode of year 7! This week we'll talk about Kevin's long-ish weekend, his new work laptop, and how he's on-call some more this week. We'll also catch up with Ursula on her latest progress both with writing and signing things, as well as her latest video games obsession. After that, we'll have a discussion with Aytekin Tank about how he stays productive!

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    May 30, 2023

    How to Tame Your Inbox and Free Your Mind for Your Most Creative Work

    The average professional spends a whopping four hours a day sifting through and replying to emails.

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    May 29, 2023

    Want to Break Bad Habits and Supercharge Your Business? Use This Technique.

    As a CEO, I've also noticed that entrepreneurs often underestimate how habits influence our businesses. Unless we're talking clichéd green juice and cold plunge routines, we think our changeable workdays give us a free pass in the world of habits. Yet, research shows about 40% of our daily activities are habitual. That includes founders, too.

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    May 29, 2023

    Automate Your Busywork: Unlocking the Power of Workflows

    Your to-do list is surprisingly misleading. Here’s why.

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    May 25, 2023

    Why scary hour is the worst productivity hack yet and what you should do instead.

    By cutting out busywork from your day, you won't have to try to hack your productivity with a self-imposed scary hour.

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    May 24, 2023

    It works for me delegating and automating what you can

    This time, around, we hear from Aytekin Tank, founder and CEO of Jotform. He argues the biggest difference to his life has been learning what to delegate and automate. So much so, that he written a new book on the subject Automate your Busywork which came out last week.

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    May 23, 2023

    63: Mastering Efficiency Through Automation with Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform

    In this episode, Aytekin shares his entrepreneurial journey and the ongoing growth of Jotform, named one of the "Best Privately-Owned Companies in America" by Entrepreneur Magazine. As an automation enthusiast and author of the upcoming book "Automate Your Busywork," Aytekin provides insights into optimizing time and leveraging no-code automation tools. Discover how Jotform's powerful features make people's lives easier and free up valuable time. Don't miss this captivating conversation with Aytekin Tank on "In Systems We Trust."

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    May 23, 2023

    #232 - Automate Your Busywork with Aytekin Tank

    In this episode, Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform, shares how he manages his priorities so well that his company is beating Google. 500 Employees and 20 million customers strong, Jotform is thriving when other companies have been crushed by goliath corporations like Google, Microsoft, Facebook/Meta, etc.

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    May 23, 2023

    Why You Can’t Get Anything Done (And What to Do about It)

    The planning fallacy explains why even the simplest tasks take longer than you expect — and it happens to the best and brightest.

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    May 18, 2023

    5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Asking for Help

    These methods create a personal mindset and company culture that regards both asking for and offering assistance as an admirable strength.

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    May 16, 2023

    Author Interview with Aytekin Tank

    Today Aytekin Tank joins me to chat about his latest novel, Automate Your Busywork. I’m excited to learn more about his latest release and how he narrowed down the most essential things for you all to know to save time.

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    May 16, 2023

    Productivity expert Aytekin Tank releases new book

    Automation plays a critical role in the overall efficiency of an organization as business leaders look to streamline processes and boost productivity. In the new book, Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff launching today and available now Jotform founder and CEO Aytekin Tank explains how any professional can use automation to eliminate tedious busywork.

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    May 16, 2023

    Productivity expert Aytekin Tank releases new book

    Automation plays a critical role in the overall efficiency of an organization as business leaders look to streamline processes and boost productivity. In the new book, Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff launching today and available now Jotform founder and CEO Aytekin Tank explains how any professional can use automation to eliminate tedious busywork.

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    May 16, 2023

    Productivity expert Aytekin Tank releases new book

    Automation plays a critical role in the overall efficiency of an organization as business leaders look to streamline processes and boost productivity. In the new book, Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff – launching today and available now – Jotform founder and CEO Aytekin Tank explains how any professional can use automation to eliminate tedious busywork.

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    May 16, 2023

    Productivity expert Aytekin Tank releases new book

    Automation plays a critical role in the overall efficiency of an organization as business leaders look to streamline processes and boost productivity. In the new book, Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff – launching today and available now – Jotform founder and CEO Aytekin Tank explains how any professional can use automation to eliminate tedious busywork.

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    May 15, 2023

    3 Reasons to Celebrate Small Wins in Your Business

    I've witnessed this over and over again during my time as CEO of my company, Jotform. We've weathered many ups and downs, especially over these past few years of the pandemic, and even when it didn't feel like there was anything to celebrate, I've made it a point to congratulate teams on smaller victories.

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    May 15, 2023

    How the Automation Flywheel Can Help You Achieve Greater Peace and Productivity at Work

    “Pick up the pace!” my trainer barked, turning up the resistance on my spin bike. It was a typical morning at the gym. Sweat glazed my brow as I willed myself to pedal harder. My legs and lungs began to burn from the effort.

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    May 11, 2023

    Automation: 3 ways it boosts productivity and reduces burnout

    Layoffs are impacting all employees—even those left behind, who often suffer surging burnout. Here’s how automation can help.

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    May 9, 2023

    Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff: Why You Need to Automate Your Busywork — Starting Today

    Over the last 17 years, I’ve tried every possible tactic to eliminate the repetitive, manual tasks that come with running a growing business. Only one thing has consistently worked.

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    May 8, 2023

    How Automation Can Help Solopreneurs Achieve More Aytekin Tank

    Aytekin Tank is the founder of Jotform, an automation enthusiast, and the author of the book, Automate Your Busywork.

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    May 4, 2023

    354: Automate Your Busywork

    Aytekin Tank is the founder and CEO of Jotform and author of the new book, "Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff".

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    May 2, 2023

    Your to-do list is sabotaging your true productivity. Here’s what to do instead

    Spending time on meaningless tasks only makes us less productive.

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    May 2, 2023

    Your to-do list is sabotaging your true productivity. Here’s what to do instead

    Spending time on meaningless tasks only makes us less productive.

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    May 2, 2023

    Why Lazy People Are More Productive

    Adopting a lazy mindset isn’t really about being lazy.

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    April 30, 2023

    3 Bad Habits Most Entrepreneurs Are Guilty Of — And the Simple Solution for Stopping

    These habits commonly trip up entrepreneurs, but there's a tool that can help with all three.

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    April 26, 2023

    How an Automation-First Mindset Can Eliminate Procrastination

    Understanding the ‘why’ of procrastination is the first step toward beating it.

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    April 24, 2023

    3 Ways to Automate Your Busy Work and Boost Your Productivity

    Research has found that knowledge workers spend an average of 41% on unnecessary tasks. You are not the problem: Busy work is.

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    April 24, 2023

    3 Ways to Automate Your Busy Work and Boost Your Productivity

    Research has found that knowledge workers spend an average of 41% on unnecessary tasks. You are not the problem: Busy work is.

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    April 21, 2023

    Why workers are experiencing resenteeism' and how leaders can tackle it

    If leaders don't take action, resenteeism can spread among staff members, sabotaging team morale, culture, and productivity.

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    April 18, 2023

    To-Do Lists Were the Ultimate Productivity Weapon: What Happened?

    Today is a great day to quit your to-do list.

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    April 13, 2023

    4 Steps New Entrepreneurs Can Take to Simplify Their Work Days

    Every newly minted entrepreneur can attest to experiencing the same: In the beginning, things feel especially insurmountable. Here are a few steps you can take to start simplifying.

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    April 11, 2023

    Why Productivity Is 1% Effort and 99% Battling Your Biology

    Here’s why you can’t get anything done (hint: it has nothing to do with effort)

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    April 4, 2023

    The Power of Carving Out One Hour for Impactful Work Every Single Day

    Not creative? Not a problem! You can train your brain to get the creativity flowing.

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    March 23, 2023

    It’s not easy to keep remote teams connected. Here are 5 tricks to help bridge the distance

    Leaders need long-term strategies to effectively manage remote and global teams.

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    March 8, 2023

    Leaders need to take responsibility and stop giving quiet promotions. Here’s how

    When you hire an employee, you accept responsibility for their career growth too.

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    March 3, 2023

    Digital transformation: 3 guiding principles for 2023

    Looking to do more with less in the coming months? Let these key transformation concepts guide your strategy

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    March 2, 2023

    5 Reasons Why Strategic Planning is Vital for Entrepreneurs

    Envisioning a framework for the future helps to ensure that everyone's on the same page, among other success essentials.

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    February 28, 2023

    How to succeed in the age of automation: 3 rules for modern work

    Don’t get stuck doing busywork. Three rules for success in the automation revolution.

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    February 23, 2023

    How to Master the Art of Public Speaking, Even If Your Anxiety Is Through the Roof

    Nerves are fine, but falling apart not so much.

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    February 7, 2023

    3 Expert-Backed Strategies for Blowing People Away With Your First Impression

    Nothing is more important than a good first impression. The first five seconds are everything.

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    February 6, 2023

    This Wise Advice From Jim Carrey's Commencement Speech Will Teach You How to Tackle Fear as an Entrepreneur

    Fear is a tool. Here's how to use it.

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    January 26, 2023

    4 ways automation can help your team succeed rather than replace workers

    There may be advantages to automation.

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    January 24, 2023

    No Code Low Code will shine in 2023

    Driven by the need for no code low code technology, in 2023, we'll see significant market expansion and some interesting innovations born from this new market need.

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    January 19, 2023

    New Entrepreneurs and Seasoned Pros Won't Succeed Unless They Hone This One Skill

    Staying in your bubble will only make you more rigid. Improve your reasoning instead.

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    January 12, 2023

    Make Better, Faster Decisions Using This Simple 3-Step Framework

    As a leader, don't get caught up in perfectionism. Adept leaders should know when to take action.

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    January 11, 2023

    Tracking employees doesn't work. Here's how to move beyond productivity paranoia

    Eight of the 10 largest private U.S. employers are using some form of bossware.

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    January 9, 2023

    3 Ways You Can Be Successful Without Falling into the 'Hustle Culture' Trap

    Don't buy into the hype. Here's why you need to push back on the temptation to overwork

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    January 2, 2023

    The 3 Questions Every Entrepreneur Needs to Be Able to Answer

    What's your competitive edge? Leaders should continually ask what goals they want to achieve.

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    October 4, 2022

    Jotform extends leading form digitisation with eSignature solution

    Jotform, a leading online forms SaaS vendor, has added Jotform Sign to its platform. Jotform Sign is a complete eSignature solution that automates the final part of completing a legally binding document, the signatures. In developing the solution, Jotform ensures a seamless workflow throughout the completion and signature process.

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    September 21, 2022

    Aytekin Tank Interview

    There’s so much media buzz about founders who get millions of dollars from venture capital firms, but once they get funding, the pressure intensifies to grow and be profitable.

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    March 16, 2022

    Making Something From Nothing: Aytekin Tank Of Jotform On How To Go From Idea To Launch

    Start slow. No one told me to start my company slowly. In fact, the popular opinion in tech is to go fast. I decided against this path and to take the slow route, which allowed me to play the long game and be successful over time without giving up control of my company.

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    April 27, 2021

    Jotform Announces Approvals, a No-Code Approval Flow Automation Solution

    Jotform, a leading online form software provider, announced Approvals, a no-code tool designed to empower teams to automate approval processes and streamline workflows with ease.

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    August 21, 2020

    Lessons From Leading Remote Teams

    I recently spoke to Aytekin Tank, the founder and CEO of JotForm, a full-featured online form builder used by more than seven million people worldwide.

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    October 25, 2019

    Jotform: A Form Building Platform for Everyone

    While working as a developer in New York back in 2006, Aytekin kept stumbling across a pain point at work – coding online forms. Even though he had the necessary technical skills, it took considerable time and effort to make a good online form.

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    August 27, 2018

    The to-do list method for people with busy lives and short attention spans

    Productivity science is generally unkind to standard to-do lists. We’re told that they feed the impulses of our faulty brains in all the wrong ways.

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    July 30, 2018

    How one CEO increased his company's success through "the power of doing nothing at all"

    Our culture treats busyness as a badge of honor. One CEO says he found success by doing less.

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    April 6, 2018

    How to bootstrap a company while fully employed

    I’m excited to have today’s guest because he’s the kind of person who’s been on all those forums that I’ve been on forever, building his company quietly and making it into something really big. He did it without ever having that big TechCrunch moment where they say, “Look at me, I raised so much money.”

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    September 20, 2017

    Why This CEO Trained His Employees To Do His Job

    Aytekin Tank wanted to take a three-month paternity leave, but he didn’t expect that the time away would make him a better leader.

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    February 13, 2017

    5 Reasons Why This CEO Leverages Cross Functional Teams For Better Business Performance

    Teams—and specifically, cross functional teams, enable faster communication, which brings faster decision making. By working through teams as opposed to large departmental silos, you not only cross-pollinate perspectives and experiences (which help shape creativity and innovation) but also align daily behaviors with business strategies.

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    November 4, 2016

    This Engineer-Turned-Entrepreneur Spends Half His Workday Hiring the Right People

    JotForm's founder and CEO created the easiest online form builder, has grown his company to millions of users and powers forms around the world.

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    January 12, 2016

    How Aytekin Tank Built a Software Company with Over 2 Million Users

    Is achieving and maintaining a healthy work-life balance a priority for you? In this interview, Aytekin Tank CEO and Founder of JotForm reveals how he got to the point where he could work on his business instead of in it, and how that has restored his work-life balance.

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    October 5, 2015

    Bootstrapping with a Paycheck: Aytekin Tank, CEO of Jotform

    Aytekin is a Turkish entrepreneur who has bootstrapped his company with a paycheck. He has used a freemium business model, and a virtual team strategy to scale.

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    April 15, 2015

    Three Keys To Success When Bootstrapping A Startup

    To bootstrap a start up successfully you must: 1. Provide a valuable benefit; 2. Communicate that benefit to those that need it; and 3. Manage your cash flow. If you do those three things well, your chances of success soar. If you miss any one of the three you have no chance of success. None. Give up. Quit now and get a real job. While these are true with any start up, what’s different about bootstrapping is that you must do them with extremely limited resources.

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    December ,

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  • December ,

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