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In the News (June, 2024)


    June 25, 2024

    While ChatGPT can be an impressive imitator, it can never generate your unique voice and perspective. It can, however, be a powerful tool for improving your writing, whether you’re penning business articles or important emails. It all starts with the right prompts. Here are seven that you can use to level up your writing skills.

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    June 21, 2024

    I founded my company Jotform over 18 years ago. With no outside funding, it’s been a slow climb at times, but today, we have over 25 million users worldwide. I learned a lot about bootstrapping and how it creates the right mix of pressure, thrift, and creativity for developing great, profitable products. Here’s a closer look at why VC funding can cause startups to make bad products.

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    June 20, 2024

    Jotform CEO Aytekin Tank outlines a strategy for balancing collaboration with healthy competition.

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    June 20, 2024

    Discover the most effective (and cheapest) way for founders to learn team management, efficient decision-making and other essential leadership skills.

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    June 18, 2024

    For entrepreneurs, success is often defined by certain well-worn metrics—funding rounds, revenue growth, ROIs, IPOs, etc. But as a founder, I can promise you that fulfillment doesn’t happen by hitting some magic number or target. Here’s how to think about it instead.

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    June 13, 2024

    If you’ve ever studied a second language, you’ll probably agree: the more you learn, the more you realize there is to learn. The process can be frustrating, like a spool of thread rolling out before you. But even if the road seems endless sometimes, it’s rewarding. The more language skills you acquire—vocabulary, grammar, slang—the richer the communication becomes. Learning to communicate with LLMs like ChatGPT is no different.

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    June 12, 2024

    The startup norm of "move fast and break things" is short-sighted. Here is why being patient will serve your business in the long run.

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    June 12, 2024

    In many ways, founding a company requires a different skill set than running it as a CEO. As your business grows, it’s important to do an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, and figure out two things: How you want to spend your time, and how you can be most beneficial to the company.

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    June 7, 2024

    As CEO of my company, I understand that with no strategy in place, transparency can interfere with our goals, causing more damage than good. Here are three tips for finding balance and practicing candor with your team.

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    June 6, 2024

    Seeing introversion as a career hurdle is more of a self-fulfilling prophecy than reality. Being an introvert can be as great of an asset as being an extrovert. It comes down to taking a page from the Delphic oracle—“knowing thyself”—and understanding how to maximize your efficacy using your unique strengths.

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    June 4, 2024

    I’ve always been a proponent of slow, deliberate growth. As the bootstrapped solo founder of Jotform, it comes with the territory. But between the growing power of online tools, including AI, and the increasing prevalence of contractors, there’s less reason than ever for entrepreneurs to take on a co-founder or rush into hiring. In fact, I’d argue that there’s never been a better time to be a solo founder. Here are some ways “invisible teams” are changing the way we work.

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